Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#13 Del.icio.us

Thing #13 Create a blog post about your experiences with Del.icio.us
I like
the Del.icio.us gadget so much that I am putting it as a permanent fixture on my blog. It is a database of personalized bookmarks on the Web and it works by using tags. Being Web based means that it is independent of computer and browser. Besides the usual bookmarking feature, I will use it to share what I found. For example, if you type 'youtube' in its text box, it will show you some of the YouTube clips that I have tagged because I had enjoyed them and I would like to share them with you.
The picture on the right show two such videos, namely, The Mom Song and The Lost Generation. I have added other tags such as NP, cisco, library freeware and church. More information can be found in the De
l.icio.us website.

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