Sunday, January 4, 2009

#17 Wiki Sandbox

Add an entry to the Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki.
Honestly, I cannot make the 'head or tail' of the
Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki story which is written by different people at different times. The article looks like the work of a deranged mind. By the way, the Bible was written in similar way except for the lack of technology and over a much greater period of time yet the story is consistent in every way.
I was very tempted to give up on this exercise but I would have missed the point -- the spirit of the Sandbox (scratch pad). It is meant to give us hands-on experience with Wiki, the logic of the story is secondary. The original Sandbox story has many references to cats and dogs, so I continued its tradition. My entry was as follows:
"By now, the cat’s great appetite has caused it to grow to a humongous size. Coupled with its wandering nature, it has triggered a couple of alarms in the neighbourhood. When it strayed into the neighbour’s backyard, its black colour and size give the impression of a BIG wild cat (black panther?) We were told to restraint the cat but anyone who has kept cats before would know that it is close to impossible. You only hear of “walking the dog”, but never the cat. You can confine a dog to a house but not the cat.
One day, ..."
So, you think I make up this story, uh? No, I did not. The accompanying photo shows my son and Ben, the big fat cat (Haslemere, England, 2001)

It is supposed to be a cat and dog story, many thanks to Doris from BA, the other side of the story unfolds, ...
dog decided that chasing cats around the compound and all over the kitchen was really no fun. It just made everyone mad, especially when there were muddy paw prints all over the brand new carpet. One glorious morining, it spied something more interesting in the house just across the road -a new neighbour - an oh-so-lovely maltese of agal. Such luscious eye lashes, such dainty paws and my, my, fur as white as snow. He could feel his heart skip a beat as his thoughts ran wild.Gosh! Was she some kind of a princess? Dog could almost imagine himself fetching a slipper for her to chew on... he wondered how he could catch her attention........ Could this possibly be puppy love????
Doris writes very well and from a perspective uncommon among most people. You can read her blog here.

The story continues ...'a a tough act to follow. As the dog observed the new kid on the block, a lady in sports attire came out of the house with a cat on a leash, walking towards the tennis court. Whoever has heard of a cat on a leash? The dog was curious and dashed after the lady. Well, all seemed normal as the lady played a few rounds of tennis with her friends while the cat slept comfortably under a shady tree. When they decided that they had enough exercise, the lady just walked the cat home. Now, how did that happen?....No cat fights? Strange....wildrabbit

Wildrabbit is so brave. Knowing that it is a tough act to follow and still do it. We all benefited because of her spirit.