Saturday, August 15, 2009

Painted Skin

In the movie, Painted Skin, a lady ghost catcher had a precious sword that could only be unshielded from its scabbard by the right person. Nobody could do it. Not her or her grandfather. Not by strength alone. It piqued our curiosity: Why? Who could do it? What power does it have? An aka King Arthur.
When the answer was revealed, I was all ears. I liked its explanation: the sword could only be unshielded by love not hatred. In a desperate act to save her love, the ghost catcher was able to remove the sword and used its effects. The sword even loses its power when wielded by another person.
Painted Skin was adapted from the original Chinese Ghost Stories (聊斋志异). The author, Pu Song Ling, was way ahead of his time.


Wei Kang low said...

lol. never knew using spooky stories to keep oneself occupied was considered "ahead of your time"

Low Chee Kin said...

Being able to tell spooky stories cannot be considered as ‘ahead of his time’ but to be able to tell a story like JK Rowling, Stephanie Meyer and Pu Song Ling is. The difference is that they thought of visions that nobody at that time thought of. Their ideas are unique and original, therefore ahead of time.