Saturday, July 30, 2011

Runners' Relay 2011

On 29 July 2011, we were on unfamiliar territory.  We finished sixth out of twelve staff teams in the Runners' Relay.  As far as I could remember this was our worst performance in the race history.  From the start, we were plagued by older runners not willing to run for one reason or another and young ones not stepping forward.  We have more female than male runners. On the actual race day, we could only find exactly six men, anything less we could not even field a team!

Granted that as we aged, speed started to desert us and we shy away from competition of the physical kind.  But when you trained for speed you would re-discover the joy of having a youthful spring in your feet.  With that, you could climb mountains, hike to the end of the world, and run the Marathon and all those things that you had wanted to do before you called it quit.

Looking forward, I invite all of you to come down to the NP track and field every Wednesday, 5 pm.  You will run 2.4 km at your own pace.  Hopefully, the presence of the other runners will spur you to better timing and a fitter you.  Yes, we will train starting from now and for every week.

I hope to see the day where people will fight for a place to be in team 1 for ECE.  The ECE Road Warriors will then rise again like the phoenix out of the ashes.

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