Sunday, September 20, 2009

Netriders Competition preparations tips I

This is for the Netriders Contestants only:
As the competition is a team event, the whole team works on the same set of questions. I suggest you appoint among yourself a leader and let me know who is the leader of each team. Then the leader assigns someone to focus on router (CCNA2), another on switch (CCNA3) and the last on WAN (CCNA4).
The competition is a divided into theory and practical which consist of MCQs and Packet Tracer respectively. For the theory portion (MCQ), you can only go forward, there is no going back to change your previous answers. This is very similar to the actual CCNA certification exam.
You will enter your answers into a e-Learning called Moodle. We will create accounts for you at a later date.

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