Sunday, October 23, 2016

Bridges Named After Their Colors

Bridges named by its color
Green Bridge (just outside Chui Huay Lim)
Ang Kio (Red Bridge)
Pek Kio (White Bridge)
These bridges were named after their paint color and the area around them were once upon a time named after the bridges. The authority has the good sense to keep the color of  the bridges just the way they were.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Red Beret Presentation

Wei Kang earned his red beret on the 6th Oct 2016, Thursday, after completing a 72-km march early that morning. He had hardly slept for the past 3 days.  This is almost immediately after his 3-week Commando Hell training in Brunei.  All-in-all 10 months of training for this presentation. We heaved a sign of relief for the moment.

He is now limping especially after sitting down for a while.  We pray that he will recover fast as his training is still on-going.  The march is tough for him as a medic because there is a stretcher and a first aid kit to be rotated among 3 of them; a source of conflict as they were already burdened by the full battle order including the full pack.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

SAFRA Half Marathon, 28 Aug 2016, Sunday

WK ran under 56-minute for the 10-km run, top 9% for his age group.

I was so inspired that I headed for the gym, set the pace at 11 km/hour and sweat it out.  Well, I could only sustain for 14 minutes.

Monday, July 25, 2016

NDP Preview 23 July 2016

1. We were asked to wear red for the NDP preview and I conveniently wore my son’s NUS T-shirt for I don’t have a red T-shirt. The scarf is used to cover up the guilty.
2. I learnt about a lesser known Singapore legend: Badang, the strong man. He used his great strength to help people: building houses, carrying heavy load and digging fresh water well. This story has good moral values: using our strength to help others.
3. The undecipherable ancient text on the Singapore stone. This fragment is part of the stone that Badang threw into the Singapore River during a contest of strength.
4. Infra-red LED remote control. Simple circuit that we could have done it. In this case, a Russian company did it and the Chinese manufactured it.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

NP Road Relay 2016

We had a minor hiccup when Kar Seng reported sick just a few days before the race.  Fortunately, we have a capable reserve in Zhao Min. We were very thankful for him. We also wanted to record our appreciation to Teck Soon and Sze KL for stepping up to run for Team 2 given very short notice. This shows that they are always ready to give their best for ECE. Without them, there will be no Team 2.

Team 1 really missed Alan. With Alan running the first leg, he would have given the team a 200 meter breathing space from the next best team. This time we were stuck in the middle of the pack. Billy took over and started tearing at the competition. We could almost feel the force of his back thrust as he charged into the runners.

As all the number 2 runners left the stadium, there was a period of eerie silence. We waited with abated breath to see who would be in the lead. Then out of the blue, Billy appeared and cut a lonely figure as he raced into the stadium. He overtook all the other teams: staff’s and student’s included. He made such a commanding presence that even the students were in awe and talking about it, way after the race. From then on, Team 1 never dropped its position and hit home the winner. Team 1 was crowned champion once again after losing it to SDAR last year.

Team 2 has had a more interesting tussle with DE. We swapped positions several times before Joey made a clean break and Khee Peng powered Team 2 to the third position.  This is our best showing in the race so far.  For the record, DE was fourth and COI second.

Our special thanks to Eric Koh for his great support. He safe kept our things so that we could focus on our run.

Team composition:
Team 1: Yang Peng, Billy Tey, Yu Yang, Yan Yizhen, Zhaomin, Yang Fang, Chee Yuen
Team 2: Meng Tiong, Teck Soon, Sze Kai Loon, Janet Goh, Chee Kin, Joey Tay, Khee Peng
Team 1
Team 2
The Champion

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Durian Feast at Tangkak, 9th July 2016DuD

Durian Trip to Tangkak
Different tastes: some sweet, some bitter even though they are of the same type.

WSS ITNSA 2016 Results

Day 1: High Score
Day 2: High Score
Bronze for NSS

WSS ITNSA 2016: Who's who

Competitors & Judges

Friday, June 24, 2016

Meet-The-Author: Chade-Meng Tan of Joy On Demand

18th June 2016 (Saturday)
Kinokuniya Singapore

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Raspberry Pi and i2c Midas LCD

I needed an i2c-based LCD for a Raspberry Pi project; so I salvage a Midas LCD from an old project. The LCD is not popular with hobbyists because it is not breadboard friendly. I tried in vain to google for Python code for it.
Then I remembered that my colleague, Mr. Wong SS, did some work on Midas LCD two years ago.  He shared with me his codes generously. He was already using Python3 and Quickwire. I am still with Python2.  Quickwire as a company has already folded and no longer available for new projects.  I did a technology in reverse gear: converting Python3 codes to Python2 and Quickwire to smbus.
With Mr.Wong permission, I am sharing the modified code here:
Python Codes

Saturday, May 28, 2016


15th May 2016
28th May 2016
8th June 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

We should celebrate mama's life

Kong Kum Soon
1939 to 2016

My mother passed away peacefully at 10:03 am, 30th April 2016, Sat. Immediately after and holding onto her hand, I still have the same feeling I had when she held my hand when I was young. The warmth, the feeling of security and the confidence that it inspired. It was good. The thought that I am losing my mother suddenly overwhelmed me. I cried like never before. After a good while, my son came up to me and said, "We should celebrate mama's life."
Yes, I should recount the good times that we have had, the nursery rhymes that she taught me to sing, the joy that we shared. She had lived a fruitful life, always bearing the burden of others. Thrifty to the point of misery towards herself but always generous to others. She did not have much, yet all that we have, comes from her.
Moth at sis's house (1 May)
Moth on WD's shirt (8 May)
Moth on CW's computer (14 Jun)
Moth at CY's bedroom (16 Jun)
Moth at CK's kitchen (17 Jun)
Moth at JL's bedroom (18 Jun)

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Best Kueh Lapis in Batam

My First Terrarium

This Fittonia Albivenis plant is a gift from my department: plant, bottle and all. It is supposed to be a terrarium but the original plants rotted away. My wife thought that it was because I wet the leaves too much. (I followed instructions blindly).
The plants in the picture are replacement. Now, I have no heart to cover the plants anymore so I just treat them like normal potted plants. They have grown so much that they are fighting with the glass wall for space.
7th March '16
24th March '16
28th May '16

Monday, February 29, 2016

Yoga Poses


Best Tau Sar Piah in Singapore

Loong Fatt, 639 Balestier Rd, Singapore 329922

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Air Rifle Shooting at Safra, Yishua

Pistol Target: Inner black circle is 6 cm across.
Rifle Target: Inner black circle is 3 cm across.
Air Rifle Shooting at Safra, Yishua (10-meter range) on 3 Feb 2016, Wednesday.
Shooting position: Foxhole without sand bag support

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Best Laksa in Singapore

The best Laksa in Singapore for its price range is at block 928, Yishua.