Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Silly Rhyme

人生本来是 happy
快点生一个 baby
早上给他吃 roti
晚上给他吃 curry
到了明天就 mati
你说 funny 不 funny
By chance, I again heard the above silly rhyme which was often recited during my primary school days. When I checked with my children, none of them had heard it before so I decided that I must put it down here before it dies with my generation. This is also a good opportunity to practice my han yu pin yin.
BTW, the rhyme must be read in Singlish (exaggerate the first syllabus) to bring out its flavor.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not so cool

I was reviewing some grad videos. One of them had a student saying, "In XXX, we slept at 1 am in year 1, 2 am in year 2 and 3 am in year 3!" From his expression, you can see that he thinks it is cool to sleep late.
The truth, however, is the opposite: being able to sleep early is a privilege for the smart and the hardworking. All of us should be competing to see who gets to sleep the earliest and yet get the work done.